Welcome to Petanak Lodge
Petanak Lodge is a located at the conveniently location of Kuching, Jalan Ang Cheng Ho. It is a mere 20 minutes minutes away from Kuching International Airport and is close proximity to most major shopping centres, business districts and tourist attractions within the city. Petanak Lodge also surrounding by shop which selling famour food in Kuching.
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The King's Curry is Kuching's leading Indian Restaurants/Cafe. They serve North and South Indian food and cuisines with a twist of Sarawak Locality, in contemporary yet exotic Indian settings.
Kaya and Toast offer local breakfast.
Madam Tang : A must-have is the Laksa Sarawak, a signature dish in Kuching. The bowl of Laksa topped with prawns, chicken slices, omelette strips and bean sprouts is served in a fragrant spicy coconut milk soup with a side of sambal belacan and lime.
Facility Available
Laundry / Pressing / Dry Cleaning
Coffee & Tea Facilities
Room Service
Morning Call
Luggage Storage
Internet Access
Complimentary Bottle Drinking Water